Saturday, August 31, 2019

I only have 700 miles to make in the next ten days so I am taking only back roads all the way to ES. I don't think I would recommend any engineers to take the back rails. 

A golfers delight

What more could I ask for?

These chickens were sure talking to some other ones not far away but that I couldn't see. I have no idea what kind they are.

My GPS sent me down this road. It may be the only road I have ever been on where I thought the grass clippings actually improved the surface.

Tom took me near here a couple of weeks ago. I happened back through here today not having actually planning to do so, but decided to take a closer look.

One of the three National Confederate Flags that were used.

When at war with an opposing nation, us against them is understandable. Us against us kind of makes me feel ill although I guess if you look at California and Illinois it kind of makes sense. Just kidding!  :)

There are a few hundred men buried under this memorial. 

In some areas, the feelings are still very strong

Explanation in next picture

There is a Civil War Battlefield behind Tom Millers house where he has found several of these bullets as well as some cannon balls.

I took these photo's at the Civil War Museum at the Perryville Battlefield 

It was planted in corn when the battle took place

Still giving me an uneasy feeling

I've seen quite a few places here in the south that are slowly being reclaimed by Mother Nature.

I stopped by the site of My Old Kentucky Home

I couldn't figure out if it was this one,

or this one

This memorial was built, and then a replica of his birth cabin was built inside

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Interesting in that it is part of a cave

The source

I didn't walk up here to see the details. If they had been open, I might have stayed there.

They weren't open, so I stayed here. It was probably a first class place at one time. It is still clean, and very affordable. And look at that motorcycle parking!

I do like the proprietor!

Friday, August 30, 2019

I spent the night in Portsmouth, OH and took these pictures on my way out of town in the morning 

You can buy fresh veggies here some times

Maybe the nicest covered bridge I've ridden across on this trip

Interesting story

The last remaining part of Keyhoe, KY

Looking for someone to ask questions of, I only came across these turkeys and they wouldn't talk.

The town is gone, but the country side is pretty as ever

I didn't know it, but this is what I was looking for

I thought I might get some information here.

I did, but it was only the number to call if you want to buy something

Prices looked too high to me!

Carter City seems to be doing ok

Nice new school

Quarry and stone company

I visited the Ark Encounter today

The replica built is quite impressive

Cross section of the outer shell of the ship

Some of the animal quarters

Inside the bottom of the hull

Some of the smaller cages

A lot of water jugs

Some of the larger animal cages

Some of the decadence before the flood

Noah and his wife

Some of the tools he used

Blacksmithing in the day