Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Steve's Brother Shaun is a fireman with the City of Danville, IL

Why do I keep thinking it's OH? Uggh!

He took us through the station

It was fun seeing things up close.

Crossing into Louisville, KY

I think there has been construction on every major bridge I have crossed on this trip

The locals take this scenery for granted, but it's sure beautiful to me!

My friend Tom was raised in this house with his seven siblings. 

Fort Knox

Wouldn't you know they only give out free samples tomorrow.

A guard once lost his job because he didn't shoot an intruder after he crossed the line of demarcation

Tom is the official accessory installer for all of the 2018  and newer Goldwings



Tom and Romeo off on their routine

His truck was getting jealous of the other vehicles

Maybe the nicest little wood shop I've ever seen.

Some very cool Kayaks

3 motorcycle and a GT

I didn't count them, but probably 20 of these feeders.

Those wings are just ablurring

Almost stop action

Denise must really love them to maintain all of these feeders

Mission complete!

I can smile about it now

Made me smile

Another nice example

 It is disappointing see all of the graffiti on these historic treasures.

A quick lesson on the engineering of the bridge.

The old and the new

Not the first time that I have seen tobacco growing......

......but it is the first time I was told what it was!

Perryville, pretty much untouched since the Civil War

Oh no, not another one!

Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg

Competing with Branson for entertainment capital

Gatlinburg from the top of the Smokey Mountains

Seems to have become routine 30 miles before I reach my destination each day!

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